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Until I took apart my first airsoft gun, I was rather confused by all the jargon thrown around, especially concerning internal parts. Sure, it was easy to read about hop-up and how it is used to adjust pellet spin and feet-per-second (FPS). But it was very difficult to visualize what a hop-up part look like and how it accomplishes its feat.
This thread will close that gap by showing photos of various parts and explaining each feature of the part. Combined you will be able to determine how each part works by itself and with one another.
Thu, 18 Jul 2013 21:30:15 +0400
The inner barrel on a airsoft gun is the precision chamber that guides the BB pellet to the outside world.
The end of the inner barrel with the notched hole (see photo below) with the two small notches on the side is the end that meets the gearbox. A rubber sleeve, called Hop-Up Bucking, goes on the end to cover the notched hole. The notched hole is used by the hop-up component to provide a spin and changes the speed of the pellet.
The side notches are intended to keep the barrel in place. However, some guns/hop-ups do not use these notches.
Thu, 18 Jul 2013 21:45:11 +0400
The photo below shows the hop-up with the barrel attached. At the bottom of the hop-up, BB pellets is fed through the opening into the main hop-up chamber. The lowest gear, out of the three, is accessible from outside the gun to let you adjust the spin/velocity. When you adjust the gears, it changes the amount of pressure exerted on the hop-up bucking. When pellet is propelled through the shaft, the amount of fiction transferred to the BB pellet via the hop-up bucking determines the spin/velocity.
Thu, 18 Jul 2013 22:18:41 +0400
Motor powers the gearbox and makes your airsoft gun fire. Two connectors on the back side of the motor connect the positive (red) and negative (black) wires on the gearbox. A '+' sign on the motor indicates the positive side as shown in the photo below. On this motor, the positive terminal is also tied red.
Sat, 20 Jul 2013 09:20:51 +0400
The gearbox is the main engine of a airsoft gun. It provides the mechanics to propel a BB pellet. Inside the gearbox are a number of different parts, like gears, spring, piston, trigger, bushing, and many others. The spring in a gearbox is extremely strong. Before you open a gearbox, be sure you know how to keep the spring tension under control.
The photo above shows a APS version 2 metal gearbox from the APS ASR106 Mini Patroit M4 gun. Hop-up and inner barrel connectors to the front of the cylinder head. Motor attaches to the bottom of the gearbox, where the two wires protrudes. Wires on the bottom is for the electric motor. Wires on the back is for the battery. Some battery wires are routed to the front of the gearbox. Depending on your gun, it may have a different type of gearbox.
Sat, 20 Jul 2013 09:33:58 +0400
There are many springs inside an airsoft gun. However. When people refers to the spring, they are talking about the main spring, the big spring inside the gearbox that pushes the piston forward. The main springs, along with other air compression parts, determines the FPS of your gun.
Spring are made to different spring rates. Take a look at the Airsoft Spring Power Chart. It's generally quite easy to downgrade a spring. But keep in mind that it's not always a simple matter of changing the spring to increase power. When you increase power, you have to ensure the entire system--battery, wires, gears, etc.--can handle it.
Therefore, when you purchase new airsoft guns, you might consider getting a gearbox with the highest FPS. Then downgrade the spring to what you need. That way, you know the stock gearbox can handle the higher FPS specified when you need it.
Tue, 15 Oct 2013 04:41:44 +0400
The airsoft spring guide sits at the back end of the main spring. It keeps the spring in position at the center of the piston. Ball bearings allow the spring to rotate freely, while being compressed to relieve spring's rotational tension while maximizing the linear tension.
APS branded hybrid gearbox has removable spring guides (see photo below) without the need to open the gearbox. It allows you to swap springs quickly and easily.
Tue, 15 Oct 2013 04:49:38 +0400
The following is a glimpse of inside the version 2 gearbox. The bevel gear is removed and place tot the so you can see more features. The main spring and piston has already been removed, but normally sits between the end of the gearbox and the cylinder (yellow brass tube).
Tue, 22 Oct 2013 00:56:23 +0400
The cylinder is the yellow tube you see in the photo above. It's primary job function is to hold a volume of air, which will eventually push the airsoft BB out when the gun fires. The cylinder you see above has a ported hole. The size of the hole controls the volume of air. For shorter inner barrels, the hole can be quite large. On long inner barrels, the cylinder may not have a hole at all.
The cylinder head is the black plastic end at the end of the cylinder in the photo above. It provides a nozzle that feeds into the hop-up unit. It's funnels the volume of air into the inner barrel. Photo below shows the cylinder head with an attached air nozzle.
Thu, 30 Oct 2014 05:05:22 +0300
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