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Thermal imaging scopes are a game changer in the military. You can basically see your enemies even if they are in perfect visual camouflage, such as at night. It could be a game changer for airsoft as well, but the hefty price tag--in the thousands of dollars range--keeps it out. (Take a look at our "Super Unfair Advantages that Money Can Buy in Airsoft" article.)
That changed when I met Wolf at Evike's The Airosft Camp 2014. Wolf mentioned to me that a team had brought thermal scope onto the last Operation Lion Claw, which he attended. It made the game completely lob-sided, as the team with the thermal scope dominated.
Although many of us had known the advantage thermal imaging scope provides, few of us can even consider it for purchase. That made me think of ways to defeat thermal imaging, leading me to find a very good article written for military personnel and law-enforcement officers (LEO)...
How to Avoid the Flair Heat Detection Thermal Imaging Cameras
In this article, the author explains how thermal imaging works and provides an emissivity table. The emissivity table shows the heat signature common materials emits. Using this table, you can attempt to camouflage yourself in the environment against thermal imaging.
It's not going to be easy to camouflage against thermal imaging, so reading the entire article is a must. But having the knowledge to deal with thermal imaging will give you a tactical advantage on the field.
Thu, 11 Sep 2014 03:52:17 +0400
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