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I have seen it too many times. Your team is advancing, maybe in a formation. As soon as your team encounters enemy fire, or just the sound of enemy fire, everyone ducks, scatters, and run for cover. That allows the enemy to continue to fire and suppress your team, all the while picking off your team mates one by one.
What seems to work better, based on my experience, is to return fire immediately. Change your formation appropriately to counter suppression fire at the enemy. That usually casues the enemy to duck for cover, allowing your team to either engage or disengage properly.
This SAS drill video shows exactly what I'm talking about when the fire team comes under fire. Instead of breaking up, running for their lives, the fire team changes formation, provides suppression fire, and disengages the enemy properly, as a team:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q8FEtYjBYIs&feature=share&lis . . .
Thu, 03 Jul 2014 02:21:06 +0400
Embedding the video for your convenience...
Wed, 06 Aug 2014 07:00:12 +0400
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Title: U.S. Marine MOUT Tactics
Weblog: Airsoft SpecOps
Excerpt: MOUT stands for military operations in urban terrain and is now a standard practice the U.S. Marine Corp. MOUT is extremely important for airsoft, because airsoft simulates military warfare on in different territories. Today, I found a number of YouTube videos that demonstrates MOUT tactics well. Ir . . .
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