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Arrived at a SC Village night game a few Friday's ago. First thing I noticed is that one of my two P226 pistol mags are leaking gas... loud hissing noise. I left that mag in the staging area. With one working mag, I thought I should be fine, because the P226 is just my backup. Guess what? My primary rifle failed, right off the bat, in the first game. I did alright with the pistol, but used up the entire magazine the first round. The first lesson learned... you have to keep your gas magazines well maintained.
There are two valves on any gas magazine: 1) the charging valve; and 2) the output valve. The charging valve is the value you use to charge the magazine with gas. The output valve is the push button valve that lets the gas out. Usually, it's one or both of the valves leaking.
To unscrew either valves, you'll need this special tool (see photo below): WII TECH Airsoft Valve Key For TM KSC WA Gas Magazine Charging Valve. But if you have a pair curved needle nose pliers with sharp nose, it may work as well.
Photo below shows the charging valve unscrewed from the magazine. As you can see, there is an o-ring on it. The output valve will have multiple o-rings. Most of the time, the o-ring has just dried out, causing the leak. In this case, I have just sprayed the o-ring with silicone lubricant, have screwed it back, and it is fine again.
Mon, 06 Oct 2014 23:57:01 +0400
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