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As I waited in agony for the Box of Awesomeness (BOA) to ship, I reviewed the list of desirable winning items that I listed in the "Purchasing Evike's Box of Awesomeness" thread. I realized that winning the APS M4 URX Raptor with five spare hi-cap magazines may not be so bad; especially if I can convert the five high-cap magazines into mid or low-cap magazines.
That's a big if, because I have never taken apart a high-cap magazine before. So I don't know what the internals look like. But why can't you?
Think about it. Feed BB's into the high cap magazine using a speedloader. Then insert the magazine into the airsoft gun and fire away. That should work right?
But that's not enough. Because you can already use a high-cap like a low-cap. Just feed your low-cap number--say 40 rounds to simulate a 30 round mag since you'll lose some BB's--into the high-cap, insert the mag, wind it up, and shoot. But a real mid-cap and low-cap doesn't rattle like the high-cap.
So to really make a high-cap magazine a low/mid-cap, you need to take it apart and make sure that there is no rattling parts. You can do that numerous ways. For example, gluing or shimming the internals so that they don't move. That's not too hard.
The final touch is to hide the winding wheel so that you can actually use it on a MilSim field. Maybe creative use of the Magpul USGI Ranger Plate is in order here. Some cutting and sanding of the winding wheel may be necessary.
Can't wait to test some of this theory on my existing high-cap magazine to take my mind of the BOA.
P.S. In case you are wondering where my BOA is at... Evike's web site claims "Ship Out Date: Oct. 8th". It's already close-of-business (COB) on 10/8 and my shipment is still stuck at "Processing / Shipping Center".
Wed, 09 Oct 2013 05:22:11 +0400
Good news and bad news. I used the speedloader to load BB's into my APS high-cap magazine. I was able to load ~40 rounds before the high-cap magazine stopped me from loading any more. I placed this magazine (without winding) into my APS ASR106 Mini Patriot M4. I then fired 12 rounds into my BB trap before dry firing.
So the good news is that with no modification, the high-cap magazine can simulate a real 10 round magazine (enforced in California). But if you want to simulate a real higher capacity magazine, you will have to do a more extensive modification.
Wed, 09 Oct 2013 11:47:06 +0400
Surprise, surprise! I did get the 5 high-cap magazines in the Evike's Box of Awesomeness. I took one of them apart (see photo below).
It doesn't have a long spring inside like a low cap or a mid cap. Instead it's got a winding wheel with spring inside the winding wheel. See the internals, it's no wonder your gun can dry fire with many BB's still in the high-cap magazine.
The internal of the high-cap magazine pretty much defeats the purpose of this conversion. In order to perform this conversion, you'd need springs. But in order to get springs, you'd have to take a mid-cap magazine apart in the first place. Unless you have broken mid-caps lying around with good springs, there is no point to perform this conversion.
Tue, 15 Oct 2013 02:28:26 +0400
Here is a new magazine conversion idea: GM MP44 Mid-Cap Mag Conversion. Instead of working with the high-cap internals, this person has gutted the high-cap internals, has taken a mid-cap magazine from another gun, and has stuffed it into the MP44 magazine shell.
This is ingenious for guns that has no mid-cap mags, such as the Echo1 Red Star IGOR VSS Vintorez.
Tue, 06 Jan 2015 23:33:36 +0300
Great idea! I cant find my M14 Midcaps to save my life and i have a mil-sim tomorrow so this might be my last resort! Really Helpful. Thanks
Richard K
Fri, 08 Apr 2016 22:09:00 +0400
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