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I have found out about the APS Urban Assault Rifle (UAR) last night. It's an automatic electric gun (AEG) that shoots plastic airsoft BB's. I have been fascinated by it since then, because 1) there are Too Many M4's on the Airsoft Battlefield; 2) it's basically one of a series of Science Fiction Airsoft Guns. I want to get another AEG, but I'm tired of M4's. I want airsoft guns with some scifi appeal. The APS UAR fits the bill perfectly. And it uses standard M4 magazines, which I am fully vested in. One thing I noticed is that the APS UAR works fine with high-cap M4 magazines, but requires modification to work with mid-cap and low-cap M4 magazines.
To get to the bottom of this problem, I have examined my assortment of M4/M16 magazines. The photo below shows the variety of M4/M16 magazines I own. From left to right: 1) G&P Sniper Type 110 Round No Winding Mid-Cap Magazine for M4 Airsoft Gun; 2) Magpul PTS 30 Round EMAG Airsoft Magazine; 3) APS High-Cap Magazine; 4) Asia Electronic Guns M4/M16 No Winding Magazine.
After looking at the top of these magazines, it's obvious that the problem lies in the fact that the high-cap magazine has a really short spring housing. The mid-caps all have much longer spring housing that holds the switch. When APS designed the UAR, it only tested it with its high-cap magazine and forgotten to test it with a mid-cap magazine.
The solution floating around the web and in the videos is to enlarge the cavity where the spring housing inserts into the magazine well. I think that is a fine solution and should be done on to the APS UAR.
I also noticed that the Magpul PTS 30 Round EMAG Airsoft Magazine has a spring housing that is almost as short as the APS high-cap magazine. Maybe it's possible that the Magpul EMAG will work on the APS UAR without any modification at all.
Sun, 22 Sep 2013 12:55:09 +0400
APS provided upgraded version (UAR501) of UAR after August 2013. However, it wasn't until recently when the retails sold out their remaining stock of the original UAR do you see these upgraded version (V2) on the market.
One major change for the V2 UAR is the improved M4 mid-cap compatibility. "After the first launch of our UAR in the market, we have heard so many comments on mid cap magazine compatibility. As a responsible manufacturer, we listen to customer wants. We changed the design of our guns so that it also takes mid cap magazine. After testing, the new UAR is now compatible with most of the mid caps magazine found in the market."
That enticed me to purchase a V2 UAR recently. However, I found that the improvement is not phenomenal.
Right off the bat, my "Magpul PTS 30 Round EMAG Airsoft Magazine" worked with the V2 UAR. Sadly, I only have three of these and they are no longer being made for sale.
Neither the "G&P Sniper Type 110 Round No Winding Mid-Cap Magazine for M4 Airsoft Gun" nor the "Asia Electronic Guns M4/M16 No Winding Magazine" worked with the V2 UAR. I now also have the "G&P Mid-Cap M4 Magazine", which also did not work with the V2 UAR.
However, after a bit of cutting with my hot knife in the V2 UAR mag well (see photo below), I was able to get the two types of G&P magazines to work.
The "Asia Electronic Guns M4/M16 No Winding Magazine" still does not work. In this case, it's no longer the long spring housing being the problem. Instead, the V2 UAR mag catch is simply a little too high. APS should have provided more tolerance in this area to match the M4's. I don't have a solution for this particular problem.
Fri, 20 Mar 2015 11:23:20 +0300
Hello, I have some Dytac invader mid-cap and I would like to know if this modification would allow me to use this magazine.
Thank you in advance.
Javier Vidal Tellols
Sun, 13 Mar 2016 13:56:55 +0300
Don't know. Need to see a photo of the top of the mag. Take a photo of it next to a high cap mag, like the photo above.
Tue, 15 Mar 2016 23:27:13 +0300
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Title: Airsoft Guns That Use the M4 Magazine
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