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M4 is the most popular airsoft guns in the United States. Therefore, all of the online retails have abundant of M4 airsoft guns. Which means that everyone buys M4 airsoft guns in order to have access to an tons of parts. The other guns and parts becomes scarce and hard to find.
The last time we have showed up at a local indoor CQB field, there were ten players. Seven players had M4 variants. One player had a G36C. The other two had MP5, only because that's what the field rents (good for them). When you looked, friends and foes alike, M4's stacked the game.
There are lots of other airsoft guns out there: FAMAS, G3, SR-25, AK47, UMP, AUG, SIG, UZI, P90, M14, M249, M60, MP7, VZ61. Not to mention all the different shotguns, sniper rifles, and the godly minigun. It would be a lot of fun if the field are filled with all types of different guns.
Next time you pick up an airsoft gun, think about picking up one of these other guns. Bring a variety of airsoft guns to the airsoft fields. And help keep the rarer guns alive.
Thu, 29 Aug 2013 03:02:01 +0400
After complaining about seeing too many M4's on the battlefield, I decided that my next gun will not be an M4. Then I realized that I was fully vested in M4 magazines.
I have seven for MilSim. If I buy another gun, I would have to re-invest in another set of magazines. I'm not against that idea. But it has made me realize that many folks keep buying M4's because they are vested in that area.
Therefore, I start to assemble a wiki page that shows a list of Airsoft Guns That Use the M4 Magazine. It will help everyone who is fully vested in M4 magazines to pick another airsoft gun that is not a M4.
Fri, 27 Sep 2013 21:41:55 +0400
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Title: APS Urban Assault Rifle (UAR) Mid-Cap Magazine Problem and Solution
Weblog: GearHack
Excerpt: I have found out about the APS Urban Assault Rifle (UAR) last night. It's an automatic electric gun (AEG) that shoots plastic airsoft BB's. I have been fascinated by it since then, because 1) there are Too Many M4's on the Airsoft Battlefield; 2) it's basically one of a series of Science Fiction Air . . .
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